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How to Play Dominoes – Learn it in 3 Minutes | QPMN

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Are you looking for how to play dominoes? In this article, you can learn it in 3 minutes. In dominoes, there are multiple ways to play. One common gameplay is called “Solitaire,” which can enhance players’ observation and calculation skills.

This article will use the double-6 set as a reference to elucidate the game rules, applicable for 2-4 players. The tiles in the double-6 set feature two numbers at each end, spanning from 0 to 6. Examples include [ 0 | 1 ], [ 1 | 3 ], and [ 6 | 6 ].

How Many Dominoes in a set

cartoon man running away from dominoes

Dominoes is a simple and enjoyable game with various tile sets, such as the double-6 set with 28 tiles, double-9 set with 55 tiles, and double-12 set with 91 tiles. The game rules of each set is very similar.

The number of tiles each player holds

  • For 2 players: Deal 5 tiles to each player, with the remaining as the draw pile.
  • For 3-4 players: Deal 7 tiles to each player, with the remaining as the draw pile.

You Should Know...

  • Under normal circumstances, tiles should not be spread out or shown to other players.
  • Shuffle the tiles before starting the game.

Before starting

three cartoon drawn women chatting and playing cards

Players should agree on a score as the victory condition, for example: 100.

Game Start

1. Players take turns to play a tile, with the person holding the highest double starting first. If a player has the double 6 tile (i.e., [ 6 | 6 ]), they must play it first. If no player has the double 6, the player with the double 5 starts, and so on. If no player has a double tile, reshuffle all tiles and start over.

2. Assuming the first player plays the double 6, the next player clockwise must play a tile with one end matching the number 6, connecting it to the double 6 tile. The tile must be placed at the end of the existing layout on the table. For example: [ 6 | 6 ] → [ 6 | 3 ] → [ 3 | 4 ] → [ 4 | 0 ].

3. If space is limited, tiles can be placed in a different orientation.

Domino game match realistic illustration

4. If a player cannot play a tile from their hand, they must draw from the draw pile until they can make a valid move, adding the tile to the layout.

5. When playing a double tile, it can be placed vertically.

Victory Condition 1

1. When a player plays all their tiles, the round ends immediately, and scores are calculated.

2. The total points of tiles remaining in other players’ hands determine the winning player’s score. For example, if the losing player has the tiles [5 | 2], [1 | 0], [1 | 1], then the winner’s score is 10 (5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 10).

3. The player who reaches 100 points first is the ultimate winner.

Victory Condition 2

1. If the draw pile is depleted and not all players have played their all tiles, the player with the fewest points in remaining tiles wins.

2. The winning player’s score is calculated as the total points of other players’ tiles minus their own points. For example, 30 – 5 = 25, the winning player receives 25 points.

3. The player who reaches 100 points first is the ultimate winner.

At QPMN, we offer custom Domino cards that function like traditional dominoes, providing a fun and convenient gaming experience. These dominoes cards are light and portable, allowing you to enjoy games with family and friends anywhere. Moreover, you can personalize your dominoes, creating a design that reflects your individuality.

custom domino cards from QPMN

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  • You can order our custom Domino cards in quantities of up to 1.
  • Effortlessly resell our service or your unique designs without the hassle of managing inventory, logistics, or financial constraints.




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